May 15, 2006

The Gun Seller

by Hugh Laurie
Yes, I did pick this up just because it was written by Hugh Laurie, but it was totally worth it. This is a funny, witty (they are two different things), pulp-ish spy thriller that kept me turning the pages, but reading slowly enough to really enjoy the prose. In theory, he has a second book coming out sometime in 2007 - I'll have to content mself with House episodes until then.

On the Road

by Jack Kerouac
On the Road was the first "classic" we read in my new book club. I went into it very excited. I came out of it very much less so. NOTHING HAPPENS! These characters are exactly the sort of aimless, immature people I dont like to hang out with, so why would I want to read about them? (To everyone who loves this book, sorry - it just didn't move me.)