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November 19, 2008

Random Thoughts ...

So, I've been out of commission for the last few days. Did something to my neck/shoulder muscles, ended up in the ER, and have been stuck at home recovering. Which might be an interesting story for another time, but the salient point is that I have been house bound and unable to go anywhere or do much of anything. So, in between watching TV, doing email and dialing into meetings, reading, and randomly falling asleep, I've had plenty of time to think and let my mind wander:

1. I'm on two of the Big Three "V" Pharmaceuticals. Vicodin and Valium, yay. Thank you for making the pain less bad. Viagra, I have no need for you.

2. I bought several long-sleeve Nike "Dri Fit" shirts to wear under tshirts as the weather gets cooler. overall, very comfortable. But some of them have tis wierd plastic ribbing design on the sleeves. A friend called it "Aquaman", but what are these plastic-y doo-dads for? Check it out here (just zoom in on the forearm of the sleeve): http://tinyurl.com/57eg2v. I would really love to know what they are and why they're on my nice, comfy shirt.

3. Please tell me that Fringe isn't going to get canceled. Also, that it isn't going to go all weird like the X-FIles and Alias did at the end. I really like the show -- perfectly odd. Also, totally liking Eleventh Hour and Sanctuary. And the Mentalist. Good season for new shows.

4. Why wan't Q in the newest James Bond (Quantum of Solace)? I see now on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_(James_Bond)) that he wasn't in Casino Royale either, but he certainly would have improved Quantum ...

5. My friends, who brought me dinner and rescued my car from the ER parking lot, totally rock. Thanks, guys.

6. At what point should I finally call it and delete the programs I haven't yet watched but that are taking up space on my Tivo? I intend to watch them ... but will I?

7. I'm so so so bummed that David Tennant is only going to do a couple of new Doctor Who specials. Love him as the Doctor. Love re-watching the episodes. And I think "Blink" is one of the best stand-alone scary sci-fi episodes of television ever. Love love love it. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey indeed.

8. I'm getting mentioned in random friends blogs! woo hoo! I might treasure this quote forever (especially since my goalie skills are FAR from Nabokovian) Thanks Carolyn!:

"Nora had some really awesome saves. I definitely saw her do a Nabbyesque scoop to grab the puck mid-air. :-D "
- http://bluepoof.blogs.com/motorcycle/2008/10/team-danger-vs-blue-martinis-1-4.htmll

9. My neck better be better enough to let me go to the Sharks game this Saturday. I ordered a new 3rd jersey (yes, sight unseen - they better look cool), and have a really sweet seat in the lower bowl ...

November 05, 2008

Yes, We Did.

I still can't believe it. For the last week, I've been terrified that something would go wrong, that we wouldn't win the election.

And that level of interest, engagement, and passion about the process is a new one for me. I was still 17 when Clinton won his second term, so my presidential voting experience has been "vote for the guy I like more ... I guess," and not "vote for the guy I believe in."

But this time was different. Not only do I believe in Obama, he's the one I've been rooting for since he announced his candidacy. I actually donated to his campaign - three times, something I've never even considered before (and a decision I didn't make lightly). So for the first time, I was really invested. Not because I agree with Obama on every issue - that's unrealistic. But I've long wanted to have someone like Andrew Shepard in "The American President" or Jed Bartlett in "The West Wing" - a leader who had a vision for this country that inspired me, someone with the intelligence to make decisions I can't imagine, someone who would surround himself with smart people to help him get the job done, instead of ideaolgues or cronies, and someone who, when he speaks, I can really relate to. I guess that makes Barack Obama my "Aaron Sorkin President."

And all day, I've been having the most amazing conversation with people at work, in the coffee shop, at the gym: Huge "can you believe it?" grin. Arms ecstatically thrown in the air. And an exclamation of "Yes we can!" without sarcasm, or snark, or cynicism. And I'm sharing this belief, this dream, with so many people across the country, around the world.

Speaking of my Aaron Sorkin President (tm), last night had two amazing, wonderful, well written speeches. As a writer, I've long believed inherently in the power of words to inspire, to heal, to drive change and to lead us to imagine something better. And my sorta dream of someday being a speech writer was rekindled.

John McCain completed the redemption in my eyes that he began with his SNL appearance on Saturday night (McCain Fine Gold! The Sad Grandpa!). This was the leader I remember liking in 2000, the one I had hoped would show up for this election. But, as a friend pointed out earlier today, his transformation into That Candidate over the last two months is probably a sign of the compromises Republican candidates are forced to make to appeal to their "base." But I thought he struck the right tone, and hope we get to see him make good and help bring people together across the aisle to solve the very real, very hard problems facing us.

Barack Obama was brilliant. A serious tone, but such an inspirational message. And the idea of trying to help us move toward that unimaginable future 100 years ahead --- yes we can.

I've been overcome by emotion so many times in the last two days. The act of voting yesterday. Watching the states and electoral votes rack up. I was bawling during his acceptance speech. And I teared up countless times today. With joy. With excitement. With hope.

Will everything be rosy for the next four years? Of course not. There will be good times and bad. Mistakes will be made. But we've made a huge step onto the right path. Things will change. We'll be better. We'll DO better.

Yes we did.

Yes we will.

Yes we can.

November 04, 2008

'Nuff Said.
