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The Beeb

Travelling on my own has given me the chance to experience all sorts of British television, and it's been an interesting experience. When I was in Paris and sick, the only english channels were CNN and BBC World. I tried to watch MTV France for a while, but it took some concentrating (as an aside, they actually played music videos on MTV France in the morning. What a novel concept!). And, of course, in England, the BBC (and ITV) are the only options I seem to have. My report thus far:

These shows are worth checking out (or bittorrenting, as the case may be):
Dr. Who. So, yeah, maybe I'm the last person on the planet to realize that the new series of Dr. Who is worth checking out. I just found the old series disturbing when I was younger and it prejudiced me. I was wrong (there - I said it).
Manchild. I only saw one episode, but it was kind of like Sex and the City. For guys.
Sugar Rush. Teenage girl in Brighton dealing with coming out and finding love. It's poppy and fun and the episodes I saw had a great soundtrack.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this...
But I've become totlly sucked in to a show called Raven. So yeah. It's a kid's reality game show. Set in a classic knight fantasy kingdom. The host has feathers in his hair. And a cape of raven feathers. And a Scottish brogue. And he says things like "Let the challenge... begin!" and "May the luck of the Raven's Eye be with you." And the production values are just this side of cheesy. But I love it. It's totally the kind of show I would have loved to have been on when I was a kid.

Why, why, why do I let myself get sucked in?
Big Brother is like this ginormous train wreck. Every person in that house is a self-absorbed spoiled prat (and one or two of them may be clinically insane). And yet I keep letting myself zone out with it on. I just don't get it.


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