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Blogs and Other Online Content

Since I read two books yesterday (Maximum Ride 2&3 by James Patterson, very so-so), I didn't feellike cracking another tome. So instead, I hit some favorite spots to see what was what:

Slate Magazine. What can I say, I love the Slate:

  • Undefeated, Unloved, Undaunted. The Patriots Are Great. Deal With It. So they're cheaters. they're also good. Plus, Borg and Statler and Waldorf references

  • Gilding the Lily: What movies get wrong (and right) about gardening. So, movies aren't accurate as to gardening. I don't actually even know why I read this one.

  • Don't Fear Starbucks. Why the franchise actually helps mom and pop coffeehouses. Mmm. Coffee.

  • The Top 10 Movies of 2007. A man-eating river beast, a rat who cooks, and the Cannes-winning film you just might get to see after all. Of course, that just made me want to see what Roger Ebert said.
  • Blogs Yeah, there are a few I'm always checking:

  • Amalah. Home of the Advice Smackdown.

  • Random Thoughts. The harder-to-find blog of one of my favorite authors ever (I'm totally desperate for the next Rebecca Cooper book to come out). And it looks like she's going to try and get a YA SF/Fantasy Conference going!
  • I know, hardly deep, not so meaningful, but that's what's what ...


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