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As I Was Reading in Slate...

I'm still a little "meh" on the whole Slate redesign - I really liked it the way it was before, and the new logo is kinda ugly.

BUT, this is totally awesome: The Middle East Buddy List is exactly what I need to keep score of who plays well with others (since, apparently, we can't all just get along) - my History of the Middle East Class didn't really get past the creation of Israel, and, to be honest, I get confused.


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When I first saw this chart I said to myself "wow, israel has friends in the mid east? Oh.. wait, it's us and the EU."

This buddy list will be immeasurably helpful to me while wading through the flood of middle east news wires full of parties I know nothing about.

I would like to get permission to use the copyrighted image "Changed Priorities Ahead" for a brochure for a ministry to homeless people. Who do I contact?

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