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WTF? Deify Plums?

Several years ago, I was reading On Writing by Stephen King. Now, I'm not really a horror fan (way too good at scaring myself, plus I live alone), so I don't usually go for his writing, but I found that once I picked this book up, I could not stop. It was fantastic. Fantastic.

Anyway, he has a section on the basics of writing, and one of the things he talks about is following basic grammar rules. It goes something like this:

"Take any noun, put it with any verb, and you have a sentence. It never fails. Rocks explode. Jane transmits. Mountains float. These are all perfect sentences. Many such thoughts make little rational sense, but even the stranger ones (Plums deify!) have a kind of poetic weight that's nice."
- Stephen King, On Writing, page 114

And I had to agree. It does have a kind of poetic weight. He uses the phrase again a little later in the book, and by that point, it had stuck with me.

So, that's the story behind the blog name. I chose it because it was wacky (but fun). And because it had that whole writing connection. And, truth be told, because it was out there enough that I could still get my hands on the domain name.


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Yay! You're live! Now you and criddle and I need to get cracking on the design stuff so all three of our blogs don't look exactly the same... :-)

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